Board of Directors Approved 10/08/04
September 2, 2004

Present: Frisbie, Justus, Steiner, Hughes, Wilson, Sullivan, Bardizbanian, Young, Passalacqua, French
Excused: King
Guests: Carl Hakenen, Colleen Romer, Jack Newell, Gary Glenn
The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Tennis Committee  - Hakenen
Hakenen apologized to the Board for having to deal with tennis issues which should be resolved at committee level.  He expressed committee frustration regarding a letter sent to the August Board from a past tennis committee member instead of the letter first being sent to the committee for consideration and to prepare a report for the Board.
Hakenen explained that at the committee's August meeting they discussed items to list on  their September agenda.  Included on the September agenda is an tennis activity outline.  When the committee completes the outline, it will be presented to the Board.
Minutes of August 5, 2004
French motioned to approve, Wilson seconded.  The motion carried.
Green: Committee discussions on the green rebuilding program and the bidding process for the bunkers.  Green construction drawings are available in the Terrace Atrium.  A construction project priority list is being developed.
Golf:  A letter from the Nine Hole Ladies golf group was discussed and resolved.
House: An overall plan for Ballroom modifications and costs will be available mid-September.  Frisbie stated that the committee will be requesting funds and asked the Board to give the request consideration.
Master Plan Phase II
The loan was funded August 31.  SID will prepare a work order which will require clarification from GVCC.  The irrigation system design is progressing.  A pump station design modification is needed at the Green Valley Road location prior to the irrigation system design.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Dave & Sally Cheung, David Barron, Roy & Colleen Hellickson
Bardizbanian motioned to approve, Sullivan seconded.  The motion carried.  The Board took note of two reductions in the selling price of memberships and two Notices To Sell.  These will be effective for on Friday, September 3, 2004.
Associate Members Requests: Two proprietary members who have recently sold their memberships are requesting to retain their original proprietary numbers as Associate members.  French motioned to approve, Wilson seconded.  The motion carried.
Moreno Golf Request: Requesting his yearly, small golf tournament on September 9, 2004 with a $1,000 donation from this golf tournament forwarded to the GVCC Junior Golf.  Sullivan motioned to approve, Bardizbanian seconded.  The motion carried.
Anniversary Invitational
There was further discussion whether or not to send a letter regarding scoring issues during the Anniversary Invitational.  Justus motioned that a letter be sent, Hughes seconded.  The motion passed (5-yes / 4-no).
Ladies Invitational
The tournament was a great success.  Capozzo will contact the engagers of the Invitational to discuss certain issues.  The Board thanked Capozzo.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Wilson, Secretary